From the very beginning of CAS 360 we wanted to make sure CAS 360 not only completed your compliance work, it also completed the step of communicating this work to your clients. Today we take another big step in completing this goal.
CAS 360 now allows you to send SMS reminders to your clients.
From now, all upcoming document deadlines, un-returned annual reviews and outstanding amounts owed to ASIC reminders can be sent via SMS to your clients.
Included in the SMS is a link to the document or invoice in question, allowing your client to easily view this document.
Best of all, your client is able to reply to this via SMS, their response will come directly back into CAS 360. This gives you the ability to have a real time conversation with your clients about the document or invoice in question.
The Documents screen in CAS360 has been enhanced to show all documents you have sent SMS reminders for and all messages related to that document can be viewed with the click of a button.
The Messages screen also allows you to view all SMS client conversations, giving you full transparency about who sent and received messages about important upcoming deadlines.
Your firm can set up a range of SMS templates allowing you to tailor your message to match your client type.
If your firm integrates with DocuSign for digital signing, we have also incorporated this, so when sending the SMS to your client, we will send the secure DocuSign link, allowing your clients to digitally sign their documents from their phone.
SMS Messages are available to all CAS 360 clients at no additional cost.