The CAS 360 March 2022 update release is a huge release, to coincide with the BGL REGTECH 2022 running across the country we have released some of the most exciting features for our users.
What's new?
Automated Debt Reminders
The time for an automated, set and forget ASIC debt management (pictured right) has arrived. CAS 360 can now automatically remind your clients of their outstanding debts to ASIC.
In the settings menu, Automated Reminders has been added. This feature needs to be activated by your firm before it starts sending reminders.
You have control over the frequency of reminders, who the sender is, the email template used, the invoice attached and who the emails are sent to.
The reminders will be sent throughout the day, and almost always within business hours. The reminders will be sent when the debt checking and verification process with ASIC has been completed.
We have also implemented an Automation report (pictured right) that will be shown to users who have the automated reminders activated.
If you have set up automated reminders, and no email address has been provided for the contacts in that company, you will be notified that an email could not be sent from CAS 360.
The automation report will also include Automated Document Reminders that have been sent sine the last time the user logged in.
The automation report can also be exported to PDF or MS Excel.
The automation report will be shown to the user on login, if there have been reminders sent by CAS 360 on the account since their last log in.
Purchase Constitutions
In 2021 Changes were made to CAS 360 to allow all firms to lodge company incorporations with ASIC, directly from CAS 360. All that is required, is your agent to have a direct debit account with ASIC. That’s it.
Building on that great enhancement, we have now added the ability for you to purchase a company constitution directly from within CAS 360 (pictured right).
We have partnered with Entity Makers, LightYear Docs and Smarter SMSF to bring this great feature to you.
If you have considered registering companies in CAS 360, you now have all of the documents required, including a company constitution, and the software to do it 😃
Advanced Document Screen Filters
The Global Documents screen (pictured right) in CAS 360 is one of the most used and frequented screens, and we have now added a powerful search to help you find anything you need on this screen.
From the documents screen, you can now create your own filters and even save that as the default, did anyone ask for label filters? Yes, you did, you know who you are. We have label filters and much more.
You can now filter document records by:
Company Name, Trust Name, Agent, Document Type, Due Date, Penalty, Trace Number, Document Status, Partner and Labels!
All filters can be saved, and all saved filters are accessed at the click of a button.
The document screen has never been so powerful.
2-Factor Authentication for Digital Signing
Users can now require 2-factor authentication on digital signing documents. This can be a requirement for the whole document pack or just for individual signatories.
As part of this feature, we have also re-designed the whole Electronic Signing Options screen (pictured right).
From this screen, you can toggle on the 2-factor authentication requirement. You are also able to select which signers have this requirement.
From this screen, you can also add email and phone numbers to the contact record, as well as see the documents that the contact is going to be required to sign.
As the 2-factor authentication for digital signing is handled by CAS 360, there is no additional cost to use this.
Also in this update is the ability for users to void a Digital Signing document from within CAS 360, this can be done on the documents screen, via the Options dropdown.
Lastly with digital signing, now when selecting for the signers to receive the completed signed document pack, the preparer will also receive the completed document pack via email.
Director ID added to Annual Review screen
The Director ID features from the Companies screen have now been added to the Annual Review screen, this allows users to check the Director ID status of each company prior to the annual review being sent out.
A number of other Director ID features have also been added to this release, now we will validate the Director ID number that is entered in, this will be checked with the Director ID algorithm. Also when preparing Officer appointments and Company Registrations the Director ID letter will be included.
Ability to CC company contacts in Multi-Annual Review process
Users now have the ability to automatically include important company contacts such as Billing Contacts, the Partner or the Manager when processing Annual Reviews.
This can be done on the Email Validations step, where you can see all the emails that are going to be sent out. Toggling on these options will add the email addresses for each company’s annual review.
All of this and so much more includes the ability to remove lodgement permissions for users, enhancements for Joint Members and Trusts via multi-company documents, improvements to our Officers API, a new consent to short notice for the AGM, and improved support for more than one Annual Review per year when a company changes it review date.