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BGL integrates with Digital Rapport to revolutionise SMSF reporting

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce its integration with Digital Rapport, an AI-driven reporting platform revolutionising SMSF financial reporting.

“We are excited to welcome Digital Rapport to the BGL Ecosystem,” said BGL’s Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Tramontana. “This integration will help accountants communicate more efficiently and effectively with their SMSF clients. Likewise, it will help trustees better understand their financial data and engage in a meaningful way.” 

Digital Rapport revolutionises client-accountant communication by creating AI-powered, data-driven videos. This automation enhances engagement with easy to understand visual reporting. The integration connects Digital Rapport with BGL’s award-winning SMSF administration software, Simple Fund 360, via BGL’s free open API.

David Cowling, CEO and Founder at Digital Rapport said: “The integration of Digital Rapport with Simple Fund 360 is a game changer for how trustees consume and engage with their financial information. Being an agile and engaging tool, video enhances how accountants report financials to trustees. With seamless data integration, accountants can create a 2-3 minute AI-driven video, narrated in their AI voice, to deliver key highlights of SMSF fund performance. These videos take just minutes to create, are customised with a firm’s unique branding and showcase crucial financial data in a dynamic and easily digestible format.”

Brad Wilkinson, Head of Ecosystem at BGL, said: “This collaboration underscores our commitment to leveraging innovative technologies to enhance the services available to our clients, enabling them to deliver superior service and insights to SMSF trustees”. 

Digital Rapport is a proud sponsor of BGL REGTECH 2024, Australia’s premier accounting technology event taking place in Adelaide (14/08), Perth (15/08), Brisbane (21/08), Sydney (22/08), Hobart (27/08) and Melbourne (29/08). Register for free today and visit the Digital Rapport team at their exhibition stand.

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Product Update – 11 July 2024

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

What's New?

Oxygen SMSF Loans Integration
Oxygen SMSF Loans, a specialist SMSF mortgage lender with some of the lowest-rate SMSF loans in the market, now integrates with Simple Fund 360 via BGL’s open API. This integration provides instant insights into how much a client can afford for property investments. Learn More

2024 SMSF Annual Return
The 2024 SMSF Annual Return can now be exported to Xero Tax via their API. This feature is exclusively available in Simple Fund 360. Learn More

2024 Audit Workpapers
For SMSF Auditors who do not use specialised audit software, Simple Fund 360 enables the printing of prefilled workpaper templates and reports. This feature is exclusively available in Simple Fund 360. Learn More

In-Person Digital Signing
DocuSign’s in-person signing feature is now available. When meeting with a client in person, use in-person signing to simplify the signing process and keep documents digital. This can be done on portable devices like iPads or computers. Learn More 

New Report:
Trust Income Schedule Reconciliation report for Trusts and Companies has been added. This feature is exclusively available in Simple Invest 360. Learn More

Reversing Journals
General ledger journal transactions can now be automatically reversed on a future date, with the same accounts but debits and credits reversed. This can be actioned:

  • At the time of posting the transaction, by including a reversal journal at a future date.
  • By editing any general ledger journal transaction and posting a reversal journal at a future date.

This feature is exclusively available in Simple Invest 360. Learn More

Corporate Actions
Improvements to Corporate Actions now allow the processing of Donation or Refunds within Dividend / Distribution Reinvestment Plans (DRP) and Share Purchase Plans. Learn More

BGL SmartDocs
BGL SmartDocs’ AI extraction capabilities have been updated to support a wider variety of dividend statements. Consequently, more dividend files are expected to be automatically attached to cleared transactions upon file upload. Learn More 

Plus, many more new features and improvements.

Stay tuned for future releases!

Jeevan Tokhi
General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn

Blog header to showcase SimpleFund 360 reaching 300k Funds.

BGL celebrates Simple Fund 360 reaching 300,000 funds

By Simple Fund 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce that its award-winning SMSF administration software, Simple Fund 360, now supports over 8,200 clients managing more than 300,000 funds.

“This marks a significant milestone for BGL and the Simple Fund 360 team,” says BGL’s Founder/Director, Ron Lesh. “I am incredibly proud of each and every member of the BGL team both past and present who have helped us get to this milestone. This accomplishment displays our Team’s dedication to delivering an exceptional product and outstanding service to our clients”.

Released in 2014, Simple Fund 360 is the complete SMSF administration software solution with AI-driven processing, industry-leading automation, analytical insights, accounting workpapers and much much more. Innovative features like BGL SmartDocs, Smart Matching, Workflow and Smart Reports for financial analysis mean it stands alone as the market-leading SMSF administration solution. 

Simple Fund 360’s impressive growth is set against the backdrop of the latest Australian Taxation Office (ATO) SMSF statistics. On 31 March 2024, Australia had 616,400 SMSFs managing $932.9 billion in assets. Notably, BGL reached 250,000 funds in 2020, underscoring the remarkable progress we have made over the past few years.

Jeevan Tohki, General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs at BGL, said, “BGL has remained the number 1 SMSF software provider for the past 25 years.” He continued, “Simple Fund 360 launched 10 years ago and now has over 49% of the market. Its market share continues to grow consistently due to BGL’s team’s constant innovation, listening to client feedback and having a fantastic team that cares about its clients.”

Looking ahead, BGL’s Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Tramontana, shared his thoughts on the future. “We are exceptionally proud of the team’s hard work and commitment. We aim to achieve 50% market share soon while continuing to lead the industry and provide unparalleled service and innovation to our clients”.

For more information, please visit www.bglcorp.com.

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Product Update – 20 June 2024

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

We’re excited to share the latest Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 updates, which include the 2024 Trust and Company Income Tax Returns!

What's New?

2024 SMSF Tax Time Updates

2024 Income Tax Returns: This release supports the 2024 Trust and Company Tax Returns with updates to the PDFs and the Simple Invest 360 user interface.

New ATO Trust Income Schedule: From the 2024 income year, entities receiving 1 or more distributions from trusts (including ETFs, managed funds, and stapled securities) must complete and attach a Trust Income Schedule to the tax return. Simple Invest 360 will automatically populate this as part of the year-end process.

Tax Component Fields: New tax component fields have been added in the following areas:

Previous Year Figures: The option to display the prior year’s tax return detail is now available.

2024 Trust Tax Return: 6 additional Capital Gains labels have been added to the Statement of Distribution section of the tax return. New fields have also been added to accommodate the small business energy incentive.

2024 Company Tax Return: New fields have been added to accommodate the small business energy incentive and digital games tax offset.

The above 2024 Trust and Company tax time updates are exclusively available in Simple Invest 360.

2024 SMSF Annual Return
The ability to export the 2024 SMSF Annual Return to other tax lodgment platforms is now available. Integrated platforms include:

Document Splitting
The Document Viewer on the Documents Screen now allows document splitting. If BGL SmartDocs detects separate documents in a PDF file, it will automatically split the document and determine the new document name.

Documents Screen Enhancements

  • The filter was redesigned to provide instant results across all filter types.
  • Any page can now be selected via the Page selector.
  • Document Details have been separated into tab groups.
  • The vertical separator line can now be adjusted.

Documents Viewer Improvements

  • Next or previous document navigation with a preview for PNG and JPEG image files.
  • The vertical separator line can now be adjusted.
  • The option to delete the document being viewed.
  • Digital Signing information is now displayed.

New and Updated Reports

  • Fund Snapshot Report for SMSFs (Simple Fund 360 only)
  • Trustee Declaration and Notes to Financial Statements (Reporting entities) per the 2024 XYZ Financial Statements (updated)
  • Franking Account Worksheet for Companies (Simple Invest 360 only)

Your Feedback
We have introduced a new AskNicely for your feedback. Your feedback is closely monitored to ensure the continuous improvement of Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360.

Plus, many more new features and improvements.

Stay tuned for future releases!

Jeevan Tokhi
General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn

Tax Time Tips: How to Prepare Your Clients for Lodging

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

As we approach the end of the 2024 financial year, it’s essential that you understand all BGL-recent Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 updates. This knowledge will help you prepare for tax time and ensure your clients are ready for lodging. The changes outlined below are significant and require your immediate attention. 

New - Trust Income Schedules

Changes to SMSF, Trust, and Company Tax Returns will take place on 1 July 2024 as part of the ATO’s Modernisation of Trust Administration Systems (MTAS) project. These changes affect lodgements for the 2023–24 income year onwards and include:

  • Labels in the statement of distribution, which forms part of the Trust Tax Return, have been modified to improve the reporting of beneficiary details. 
  • All trust beneficiary types (including SMSFs) who receive trust income must now lodge a new Trust Income Schedule with their SMSF, Trust and Company Tax Returns.

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 have been updated to accommodate these changes. Follow the links below for more information:

2024 SMSF Annual Return

The good news is that the  ATO did not change the 2024 SMSF Annual Return this year.

BGL released an update to Simple Fund 360 on 30 May 2024 to support the new return, including for funds that have been wound up. The new Trust Income Schedule was also included in this release and will affect many SMSFs. Learn More

The SMSF Annual Return can be lodged using Simple Fund 360, or if your firm uses Xero Tax, you can send it directly to Xero for lodgement.

From the 2024 income year, if an SMSF receives one or more distributions from trusts, including (ETFs, Managed Funds, & Stapled Securities), you must complete and attach a Trust Income Schedule to the SMSF Annual Return.

The ATO expects any investment with trust income recorded in the SMSF Annual Return at item 11 Income – labels A, D, M or U2 to complete a Trust Income Schedule. After Creating Entries for the 2024 Financial Year, Simple Fund 360 will automatically create a schedule for each investment that receives a distribution during the financial year. Learn More

2024 Trust Tax Return

The 2024 Trust Tax Return in the Statement of Distribution section has 6 additional Capital Gains labels to match the new Trust Income Schedule. New fields have also been added for the small business energy incentive.

From the 2024 income year, if you received one or more distributions from trusts, you must complete a Trust Income Schedule and attach it to the tax return. This will be automatically populated by Simple Invest 360 as part of the year-end process.

As part of the year-end process, Simple Invest 360 allows you to automatically post inter-entity journals where a group has multiple trusts. This will help avoid data duplication and ensure the accuracy of Tax Components. Learn More

What is Simple Invest 360?

Simple Invest 360 is the complete accounting, investment and tax solution for non-SMSF entities – taking you from bank transaction feed data to tax return lodgement with everything in between! Leveraging BGL’s advanced AI technology, Simple Invest 360 can also automatically extract data from bank statements, rental statements, property settlement statements and annual tax statements to match transactions to the ledger.

New - Family Tax Election

A Family Trust Election form can now be created and lodged via Simple Invest 360 for Trusts. Learn More

2024 Company Tax Return

The 2024 Company Tax Return has new fields to cater to the small business energy incentive and Digital Games tax offset.

From the 2024 income year, if you received one or more distributions from trusts, you must complete a Trust Income Schedule and attach it to the tax return. This will be automatically populated by Simple Invest 360 as part of the year-end process. Learn More

Coming Soon

Later this year, BGL will import Due Dates for all entities directly from the ATO and you will be able to lodge Return Not Necessary (RNN) Forms.

Jeevan Tokhi
General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Product Update – 30 May 2024

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

We’re excited to share the latest Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 updates, which include the 2024 SMSF tax time update!

What's New?

2024 SMSF Tax Time Updates

2024 SMSF Annual Return User Interface and PDFs: The  ATO did not change the 2024 SMSF Annual Return. This release supports the new return, including for funds that have been wound up. The new Trust Income Schedule is included in this release.

New ATO Trust Income Schedule: From the 2024 income year, SMSFs receiving 1 or more distributions from trusts (including ETFs, managed funds, and stapled securities) must complete and attach a Trust Income Schedule to the SMSF Annual Return. Learn More

2024 Financial Year Wind-Ups: Wind-ups for the 2024 financial year will now print the 2024 PDF. Learn More

Lodgement Screen Update: The lodgement screen chart has been updated for 2024. Learn More

Digital Signing: Digital signing is now enabled for the 2024 SMSF Annual Return and schedules. Learn More

Fund Transfers: Support has been added for 2024 tax changes related to fund transfers. Learn More

2024 Trust Income Schedule: To accommodate the Trust Income Schedule requirements effective from the 2024 financial year, new tax component fields have been added in the following areas:

The above 2024 SMSF tax time updates are exclusively available in Simple Fund 360.

Mortgage Advice Bureau Integration
Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB) has been added as an External Service Provider for SMSF lending solutions. Learn More

Opteon Integration
Opteon has been added as an External Service Provider for property valuations, tax depreciation schedules, insurance assessments, rental assessments and quantity surveying. Learn More

Investment Security List
The ability to add an ABN or ACN for a security has been added. This information will be used in the Trust Income Schedule. Learn More

Family Trust Election
A Family Trust Election form can now be prepared and lodged for trusts. Learn More
This feature is exclusively available in Simple Invest 360.

Plus, many more new features and improvements.

Stay tuned for future releases!

Jeevan Tokhi
General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Product Update – 2 May 2024

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

What's New?

Member – Contributions
The Contribution Dashboards and Reports have been updated to reflect the increase in the concessional and non-concessional contribution caps effective from 1 July 2024. Learn More

Member – Pensions
The minimum pension payment factors have been adjusted for the 2024-25 financial year in Dashboards and Reports. Learn More

Fund Pension Policies – Reports
The Actuary Certificate received on the Fund Pension Policies screen can now be selected on the Reports screen for inclusion in report packs. Learn More

Firm Management – User Roles
A new authority has been added under the ‘Investment’ section, allowing non-admin users to delete balance records in the Balance Review screen. Learn More

Practice Management Integration – APS Contacts+
The BGL Suite and APS Contacts+ integration is now live. This two-way integration allows for efficient client and contact data management across four apps (CAS 360, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and APS Practice Management) in a single database. Learn More

Smart Matching – Account View
The Account View for each sub-level account will now be collapsed by default, with the addition of one-click refresh and expand/collapse all buttons. Plus, debits and credits are now separated into distinct columns for a clearer view. Learn More

Corporate Actions
Two mergers have been added to Corporate Actions:

  • DVR – 6 March 2024
  • WSP – 6 March 2024

Plus, many more new features and improvements.

Stay tuned for future releases!

Jeevan Tokhi
General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn

BGL Integrates with HeirWealth for Streamlined Wealth Transfer

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce its integration with Sydney-based wealthtech HeirWealth, to automate valuation processing for efficient intergenerational wealth transfers.

“We are excited to add HeirWealth to the BGL Ecosystem,” said BGL’s Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Tramontana. “This integration will help clients effortlessly provide accurate valuations for assets and liabilities held within their SMSFs, companies and trusts managed in BGL’s Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 software to HeirWealth’s platform.” 

HeirWealth aims to help Australian SMSFs have better intergenerational conversations about money. The HeirWealth platform provides family investors and their professional advisers with a view of assets and liabilities across 40 different classes, including traditional investments such as shares and property and non-traditional assets such as collectibles.

Ray Tubman, Founder and CEO of HeirWealth, said, “The forthcoming intergenerational wealth transfer is going to present a lot of challenges. Whether you want to start having those conversations now or wait till later, centralising information in one secure location like HeirWealth is a great idea.” 

“The HeirWealth platform provides simple yet powerful wealth tracking that allows individuals, families and professional advisers to organise everything together in one place,” continued Tubman. “That includes traditional investments like term deposits, shares and property, as well as alternative investments like private equity and ‘assets of passion’ like fine wine, antiques and collectibles. You can even upload photos from your phone and leave annotations to capture your family’s story and legacy, so everything is recorded in one central vault and preserved for future generations.”

Jeevan Tokhi, General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs at BGL, said, “This integration is facilitated by BGL’s free and open API which provides asset balance data from Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 into HeirWealth, refreshing the data nightly. This allows firms to streamline their client’s financial world by consolidating all their financial and lifestyle assets, along with essential documents, into one easy-to-use application.” 

BGL’s API is used extensively across the industry with 350+ data feed and integration partners in the BGL Ecosystem, delivering a holistic experience to BGL clients.

About HeirWealth

HeirWealth is a wealthtech company that aims to harmonise intergenerational wealth transfers by providing investors, family offices and trusted advisers with a holistic view of family wealth, enabling them to get better organised and minimise administrative inefficiencies.

With a commitment to innovation and supporting intergenerational wealth transfers, HeirWealth stands as a catalyst for positive change in the industry, ensuring that the valuable nature of time is revered in all aspects of our clients’ financial journeys.

HeirWealth is an Australian and UK regulator approved platform that currently integrates with 20,000 financial institutions globally, benefiting from open banking participation, growing direct integrations and world class security credentials including ISO 27001 certification. For more information, please visit heirwealth.com or email [email protected]

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Product Update – 4 April 2024

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

What's New?

Smart Reports – Trial Balance and General Ledger
The Smart Reports generative AI technology can now analyse Trial Balance and General Ledger data, providing detailed insights, predictive analysis, and issue detection. Users can apply filters in the new Trial Balance live view, and export reports to PDF, Excel, or Word. Learn More

BGL SmartDocs – Fast Data Entry
Our fast data entry feature now supports CBA statements spanning 2 financial years and has improved accuracy in processing AMEX credit card statements. Learn More

BGL SmartDocs – Rental Statements
The AI model has been upgraded to categorise reimbursements of property expenses as rental income rather than expenses. Learn More

Data Feeds – SuperStream Notifications
The new Firm Notification feature enables users to designate contact(s) to receive email notifications for Rollover/Release Authorities across all funds. This feature is exclusively available in Simple Fund 360. Learn More

Corporate Actions
The following ASX Corporate Actions have been updated:

  • DRP Price per share data added for Woodside Energy Group Limited (WDS).
  • Demerger data updated for New World Resources Limited (NWC).

Feed Management – Contract Notes Service
A new setting has been added to the Contract Notes Service data feed to provide email notifications of unsuccessful Contract Notes. Learn More

Reports – Common Report Settings
Common Report Settings have been enhanced to allow users to turn off specific options. Previously, all fields within the setting were automatically turned On and could not be disabled. Learn More

Plus, many more new features and improvements.

Stay tuned for future releases!

Jeevan Tokhi
Head of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn